EU Grant Funded Capital Investment Projects

Mr. Corcoran has extensive experience in investment appraisal of large scale capital investment projects. He had worked on EU funded projects, both as advisor to line ministries preparing such projects, and as financial advisor to the EU Commission advising on the funding of such projects. Specific experience includes:






Ministry of Environment

Financial Advisor

Advising Government of Macedonia on preparation required for accessing EU pre-accession funding ( IPA ) in Environmental sector.


Ministry of Finance

Short-term Financial Specialist

Preparation of CFCU for ISPA funding.


EU Commission

Financial/Economic Expert

Review of EU ISPA application for funding of Arges County landfill site as part of EU ISPA-PPP team.


Environmental Project Management

Agency of Lithuania

Short-term Financial Specialist


Strengthening of capacity to prepare financial and economic evaluations of environmental projects for application for EU Structural and Cohesion funding.


ISPA & Phare Implementing Agencies & Ministry of Finance

Financial Advisor

Training staff of ISPA/Phare Implementing Agencies, CFCU and National Fund in handling of irregularities, Internal Audit & Internal Control in relation to EDIS . Part of EU funded Phare project also preparation of implementing agencies for implementation of EDIS for ISPA and Phare funds.

Czech Republic

EU Commission

Financial/Economic Expert

Reviewing financial and legal operations of private involvement in water utilities in the Czech Republic on behalf of the EU Commission as part of EU ISPA-PPP team.


EU Commission

Financial/Economic Expert

Calculation of affordability of affordability of 13 proposed WWTP in Bulgaria on behalf of EU Commission as part of pre- ISPA application evaluation.

Arad Romania

Arad Waste Water Treatment Plant

EU Financial expert

EU Phare funded project responsible for supervision of large ISPA funded water treatment project

EU Candidate States

Relevant Ministries

Am an approved expert on the EU Commission ISPA-PPP framework consortium

General advice to the EU pre-accession countries on use of PPP and specific project advice on the use of PPP's in EU funded ISPA projects. Assignments to date Slovak Republic , Bulgaria , Romania , Czech Republic .


Municipality of Galati

Financial Expert

Part of ISPA – PPP team of experts appraising and revising ISPA application for new SWM facility in City of Galati on behalf of EU Commission.



Financial Trainer

ISPA EDIS Phase II Gap Plugging.


Ministry of Finance

EU Short Term Financial Expert

EU Phare funded responsible for the restructuring of the Ministry of Finance and successful application of EU ISPA and Sapard funds


Ministry of Environment

EU Short Term Financial Expert

ISPA Gap Plugging, Stage II


Ministry of Finance, SAPARD Agency, Ministry of Environment & Regional Development, Ministry of Transport.

Project Manager and ISPA Expert

Special Preparatory Programme for Structural Funds (SPP). This role involved managing a large (Euro 2m) project over its last eight months. ToR included preparing Latvian administration for receipt of ISPA funding, providing assistance with preparation for SAPARD and accreditation of implementing agency. Providing assistance with National Development Planning and Sound Financial Management. Project also required providing advice on necessary legislative and structural reform. Total EU experts involved in the project exceed 30 with 35 local experts.

EU short term ISPA expert on Responsibilities included drafting of guidelines for financial and economic appraisal of capital investment projects including assistance in setting Latvian central discount rate. Assistance in ISPA application evaluation and in securing full allocation of ISPA funding from the EU


State Treasury & Ministry of Finance

Short Term EU Advisor

Restructuring of and establishing role for Internal Audit Department and Advisor to Ministry of Finance involved in preparation and introduction of fiscal modelling of Latvian Economy and use in advising Government of Latvia.

Advisor to Ministry of Finance involved in preparation and introduction of fiscal modelling of Latvian Economy and use in advising Government of Latvia.





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